About us

Les Ju&Mo

We are Morgane & Julien!

With a strong interest in the old heritage, we were looking for a house made of old stones which will drive our life project. Since the day we walked through the arch of the Château de Courcelles-le-Roi, o
ur hearts went wild.

There is not a day when we are not amazed by the beauty that the site offers, highlighted by a very relaxing energy, out of time. Our history in these walls begins, but promises to be long and full of twists and turns.

Formerly real city dwellers living in the heart of Paris, this was a big step in our history. Since then, we discover, we learn, we decorate, we receive, we exchange and we will be delighted to welcome you soon on this remarkable place.

Follow our adventures on Facebook and Instagram !

They talk about the Castle

Les Seigneurs du Temps - The movie

Les Seigneurs du Temps is a 20-minute fantasy / medieval film directed by Cindy Miclo Vermeulen; with Talia, Thibault Gary Benoit, Frédéric Lemoine, Kevin Zonnenberg and Florian Gouhier.

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